
Mostly 1/72 and 1/48 aircraft, from WW2 to present; 1/32 Vietnam and Modern era aircraft; the occasional 1/24 automobile…and then there’s spacecraft in all different scales.

Primary Eras/Subjects of interest:

Korean War up to and including Desert Storm aircraft, spacecraft that strike my fancy, and oddball model kits that I just can’t pass up!

Special Interests:

ANYTHING C-130 “Hercules” related, especially variants (I spent 25 years working on the beasts, both in the U.S. Air Force and civilian); modern jets-particularly prototype versions and markings (the more color the better!); U.S. military aircraft in pre-overall grey paint schemes (solid grey is just so dull!)…although my primary interest is U.S. military aircraft, I do have eclectic tastes and wander into other areas from time to time.


Second place at 2022 Modelzona in Spacecraft/Sci-Fi category.